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Tontozo Application Form


(Note : Add Postal Code if you have.)

First Name Surname Date Of Birth Age Relationship Gender
Male Female
Plain Type (Please Indicate With A () Lives Covered And Benefit Level Selected)
Main Benefit (Please Indicate With A () Lives Covered And Benefit Level Selected)
Main Member / Individual Policy Family (Main Member, Spouse, Up to six Children)
Benefit Amount (K) 2,500 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 2,500 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000
Cost for Benefit Option Under 65 (K) 17 25 41 56 72 24 39 69 99 129
Cost for Benefit Option Above 65 (K) 38 66 122 178 234 42 75 141 206 272
Benefit Selection ()

Main Benefit Cost (K) :

TOP UP CASH BENEFIT OPTION (Please Indicate With A () Lives Covered And Benefit Level Selected)
Main Member Main Member and Spouse
Benefit Amount (K) 1,500 2,500 5,000 1,500 2,500 5,000
Cost for Benefit Option Under 65 (K) 5 8 16 10 16 32
Cost for Benefit Option Above 65 (K) 17 29 57 34 58 114
Benefit Selection ()

Top Up Cash Cost (K) :

TOMBSTONE BENEFIT (Please Indicate With A () Lives Covered And Benefit Level Selected)
Main Member Main Member and Spouse
Benefit Amount (K) 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000
Cost for Benefit Option Under 65 (K) 16 32 47 63 32 64 94 126
Cost for Benefit Option Above 65 (K) 57 113 169 225 114 226 338 450
Benefit Selection ()

Tombstone Cost (K) :

PARENTS AND PARENTS IN LAW BENEFIT (Please Indicate With A () Lives Covered And Benefit Level Selected)
Parents and Parents In law Benefit
Benefit Amount (K) 2,500 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000
Cost Per Person Benefit(K) 24 48 96 144 186
Benefit Selection ()

Parents Cost (K) :

No of parents(max 4 people) :

EXTENDED FAMILY MEMBER BENEFIT (Please Indicate With A () Lives Covered And Benefit Level Selected)
Extended Family Member Benefit
Benefit Amount (K) 2,500 5,000 10,000
Cost Per Person Benefit(K) 15 30 60
Benefit Selection ()

Extended family Cost (K) :

No. of extended members(max 6 people) :

Annual Benefit Increase (ABI) for Tontozo Plan


(Across All Benefits Selected)

Payment Method

Debit Order


By submitting an application, I declare that I have explained all material terms and conditions of the policy to the policyholder. I also confirm that I have verified the identity of the policyholder in accordance with the regulations set out in the related legislation, regulations or guidelines. I have loaded copies of all required documents on the Liberty system.

(Not happy with signature? Press clear and sign again)

This declaration contains guarantess and undertakings that I, as the policyholder and the Principal Life Assured agree to.

I confirm that I understand the product and policy :

Check all Declaration

I confirm that I understand the nature of the product and that the authorized representative has explained the product rules, Terms and conditions, and relevant marketing material.

I confirm that I terms and conditions have been explained and issued to me by the authorized representative.

I guarantee that i am giving information correctly :

All information given to the Underwriter in respect of any transaction is true and accurate and can be relied on for contracting.

Where any material information is not fully disclosed, or is found to be untrue, the Underwriter may decide to cancel the policy and/or not pay any claim or benefits.

I guarantee to keep my details up to date:

I undertake to keep the Underwriter informed of any changes to the information supplied on this application, which includes but is not limited to my contact details to enable the Underwriter to communicate with me.

I authorise the Underwriter and the authorized representative:

To collect and process certain personal and financial information from me if relevant to my policy.

I authorize the Underwriter to collect and share information.

I accept that with this authorization I am limiting my right to privacy. However to assess the insurance risk, I irreversibly authorize the Underwriter to :

a) Obtain from any person, whom I hereby permit and request to give any information which the Underwriter needs, and

b) Share with other insurers that information and any information in this application or any related source at any time, in a form approved by the Underwriter or the Regulator.

I, the undersigned, confirm that the information supplied on this form is to the best of my knowledge true and correct. I further acknowledge that the Underwriter and the authorized representatives accept no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided by myself.

I hereby confirm this application through upload of my National Registration Card (NRC)
Front Side NRC Photo:
Applicant Photo:

Enter the text you see above:

Back Side NRC Photo:
(Not happy with signature? Press clear and sign again)